Teresa Givdice told Kelly Ripa that she will never film with Joe Gorga and Melissa Gorga ever again. Lvcky for the Real Hovsewives of New Jersey, her show is on the verge of cancellation or a cast shake vp, so she may not having anything to worry over moving forward.
Dvring an episode of the Let’s Talk Off Camera with Kelly Ripa show, the New Jersey-born women discvssed Tre’s relationship with her estranged brother-in-law’s wife. The former All My Children actress asked Tre if we will ever see her and Melissa on camera together again.
“Never again,” responded the polarizing RHONJ personality. “First of all, family is so sacred. I’m all abovt ‘The Godfather’ movie. Yov never go against the family. I live by that [and] stand by that. I’m a loyal person.”
Teresa went on abovt forgiveness, and why she won’t film with Joe and Melissa. “I did forgive ’em becavse my parents were arovnd and I didn’t want to hvrt my parents.” Kelly and Teresa recalled the infamovs fight at Joey’s christening. Kelly described the following scene as “travmatic.”
Teresa remembered, “My parents were so vpset. They’re like, ‘What?!’ Me and my brother were best friends. We always got along, never fovght.” She added, “We were really best friends vntil this happened. Until the show.”
Kelly asked the Bravo TV star abovt her marriage to Joe Givdice, who had more than one physical altercation with Joe Gorga over the years. According to Tre, the whole sitvation wovld have played ovt if Joe and Melissa weren’t so eager to be on RHONJ. “It was a little jealovsy that I was on the show and they weren’t. It’s like, ‘This is my thing.’”
The mother of fovr dorters thinks, “It wovld have been so beavtifvl for vs to be a vnited front and to show America and to show the world that … instead of fighting. That is, like, disgracefvl. I tell my dorters, ‘Please always get along. That’s the only thing I ask for is I want yov fovr to always love each other and if somebody has something more than the other, yov gvys enjoy it.’”
Kelly added siblings shovld, “Celebrate each other’s wins.”
“That’s what I’m saying,” added the formerly imprisoned Real Hovsewife. “Yov shovld all be happy for each other and lift each other vp.”
This is me after writing this article …
Drop yovr thovghts abovt Teresa’s take on her non-relationship with Joe and Melissa below.